Elections analysis in R, Python, and ggplot2: 9 charts from 4 countries

Below are 13 charts made in R or Python by Plotly users analyzing election polls or results.

Want to make your own graphs? Get started with Plotly’s free and open-source libraries for R or Python.

1. Sentiment analysis: How Twitter feels about the 2016 US Election Candidates


Chart author: @mattybohan

Made in Python.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~mattybohan/428.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~mattybohan/428.r

2. liar liar pants on fire: how voters feel about Us candidate truthfulness


Chart author: @jmareane

Touched up in Plotly Online Editor.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~jmareane/225.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~jmareane/225.r

3. summer 2016: us democratic candidates in the polls


Chart author: @ruicarsa

Touched up in Plotly Online Editor.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~ruicarsa/6.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~ruicarsa/6.r

4. 2015 greece election polls by party


Chart author: @BKilmartinIT

Touched up in Plotly Online Editor.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~BKilmartinIT/1140.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~BKilmartinIT/1140.r

5. % female candidates in quebec elections


Chart author: @mwarzecha

Touched up in Plotly Online Editor.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~mwarzecha/277.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~mwarzecha/277.r

6. republican share of the 1960 us election


Chart author: @MattSundquist

Made in ggplot2.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~MattSundquist/3377.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~MattSundquist/3377.r

7. uk election influence on british pound value


Chart author: @thalesians

Made in IPython notebook.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~thalesians/246.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~thalesians/246.r

8. Political Prediction Markets: Who will win the nomination for 2015 US presidential election?


Chart author: @empet

Made in IPython notebook.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~empet/6450.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~empet/6450.r

9. map colorscales for democrats and republicans


Chart author: @robert.cobb

Made in R.

Python code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~robert.cobb/4.py

R code to make this graph: https://plot.ly/~robert.cobb/4.r
